CANDY EYES is a four and a half minute light show. Using radio frequency technology and fully programmed lighting cues, this act is sure to amaze all. Utilizes Clubs. Performed by Zak McAllister.


DULLER STAR is an act that utilizes light and misdirection to convey powerful images and exceptional juggling. During this act lights flash and Zak pushes buttons and foot pedals to manually turn on and off lights. Utilizes Rings. Performed by Zak McAllister.


LOVE LIKE YOU is a piece about imperfection and the struggle to reach success. Utilizes Balls, Rings, and Clubs. Performed by Zak McAllister.


MOVIE is a duet about long distance love and the lengths a couple will go to regain what they once had. Utilizes Rings, and Clubs. Performed by Zak McAllister and Delaney Bayles.


Platforming is an act based on what kinds of shapes can be created through rolling and placing balls around the body. Utilizes balls. Performed by Zak McAllister.


CHAOS THEORY is a 50 minute contemporary circus piece that uses juggling, equilibristics, and theater to study the differences between order and chaos. The story follows a late teen in the 80’s as he discovers friendship with aliens. The show includes rocket ships made of shoes, juggling balls that have achieved sentience, and one intense game of Tetris. Performed by Zak McAllister.


TRICK MACHINE is an eruptive showcase of the newest ideas Zak has to offer! Surrounded by piles of wood and power tool cables, Zak McAllister will demonstrate what juggling has meant to him over the last 15 years. The show features slinkys made of juggling rings, robotic ball juggling, and cardboard structures from Latvia. With a run time of 55 Minutes, Zak hopes to show you a new way to think about juggling and its infinite potential.